“PAŞA Bank İstedad Akademiyası” çərçivəsində“ başladılan və 30 nəfər təlimçi namizədini əhatə edən Təlimçilərin Təlimi Proqramının (ToT) I modulu başa çatdı.
The conference to be held on April 5, 2019 in Boulevard Hotel Baku, aims to share with you the world’s leading and tested experiences in the field of coaching and leadership. The conference is organized with a strong support of International Coach Federation.
ALPHA Coaching & Consulting, which is a leading provider of coaching and training services in Azerbaijan has made a principal and partnership agreement with Canada-based Adler International Learning, is one of the world’s leading schools of professional coaching education. According to the agreement, Adler International, which serves for more than 500 companies and about 5,000 managers in America…